See du dat!
Imperatives is grammatical wyes o shaain commaands. Imperative clauses is wint tae be maed up in a wye at isna da sam as declarative clauses (staetments) an interrogative clauses (questions). Fir example, in StE staetments an questions haes a visible subject:
– You are writing.
– Are you writing?
But no imperatives:
– Write!
In StE you onn'y git da subject pitten in it noo an agein fir emphasis in a comaand (somethin laek "You write (now)!"). In dat caesses da subject comes afore da verb.
In Shaetlan da default wye o expressin commaands is wi da subject, an da subject comes efter da verb:
– Write du! / Write you!
Dis is da sam as da wye dey wirk wi imperatives in Icelandic, whaar a form o "you" is eekit on tae da verb stem:
– Skrifaðu! / Skrifiði! ('Write! [singular] / [plural])
Da pronouns þú / þið is come tae be verb endeens in reduced forms.
In Aald Norse da imperative subject wis optional but you saa it a lok. In Aald English da imperative subject wis optional an aa, but you seldom ivver saa it. Da Shaetlan imperatives micht in dat wye be a ormal o da Norn grammar.
PS: As weel as dis Shaetlan haes imperatives wi da structure Come du dee! But yun structure isna øsed fir ivvry kind o verb or context an hit's a maitter fir anidder posst. 🤓
Pic: Sage Ross licent under CC BY-SA 4.0