Can we luck dee in?

Watch oot fir faase freends! Linguistic "faase freends" ir wirds or expressions at look or soond seemlar or jüst da sam, but dir meanins irna. D'ir parteeclarly common atween clossly related languages, or languages at hae closs contact wi een anidder. D'ir aafil laek tae caase misunderstaandins. De'r a braa twartree faase freends atween Shaetlan an Standirt English. Sic as:

︎luck = 'entice, coax' in StE

︎silly = 'feeble, sickly' in StE

︎talk = 'speak English in an affected manner (knap?)' in StE

︎spaek = 'talk' in StE

Tae "correct" faase freends is a mistak. Aa dey ir is different wirds an expressions athin twa diffrent languages at happen tae soond very alaek.


︎luck = 'entice, coax' (Can we luck you in wi a cup o tae? 'Can we entice you [to come] in with a cup of tea?')

silly = 'feeble, sickly' (A'm vexed tae see you lookin dat silly. Ir de onythin I can dø fir you? 'I'm sorry to see you looking so weak. Can I do anything for you?')

︎talk = 'speak English in an affected manner' (Nah, whin d'ir in a meetin dey ey talk. 'Nah, when they're in a meeting they'll always speak St English (in an affected manner).')

︎spaek = 'talk' (We wid ey sit wi a pot o tae an jüst spaek an spaek fir oors. 'We would just sit with a pot of tea and talk for hours.')


Tane & tidder


Poosie aet dee!