A hoose is fillt wi bees!
Watch oot fir faase freends! Linguistic "faase freends" is wirds or expressions at looks or soonds seemlar or jüst da sam, but dir meanins isna. D'ir parteeclarly common atween clossly related languages, or languages at haes closs contact wi een anidder. D'ir aafil laek tae caase misunderstaandins. De'r a braa twartree faase freends atween Shaetlan an Standirt English. Sic as:
▪ oilcloth = 'linoleum' in StE
▪ as = 'than' in StE
▪ hugg = 'castrated male sheep' in StE
▪ bee = 'fly (small insect)' in StE
Tae "correct" faase freends is a mistak. Aa dey ir is different wirds an expressions athin twa diffrent languages at happen tae soond very alaek.
Picter: Alvesgaspar licent under CC BY-SA 3.0
▪ oilcloth = 'linoleum' (W'ir pickit oilcloth fir da keetchin flør. 'We decided on linoleum for the kitchen floor. ')
▪ as = 'than' (Shø's peerier as dee. 'She's smaller than you.')
▪ hugg = 'castrated male sheep' (We'll be clippin da huggs damoarn. 'We'll be shearing the castrated males tomorrow.')
▪︎ bee = 'fly (small insect)' (De wir dat mony peerie bees aboot da cake. 'There were just so many little flies around the cake.')