Shaetlan grammar & dictionary
Dis primer is da foremaist bilingual grammatical description o Shaetlan. Hit’s reglarly updaetit - click here fir da laetest version (PDF, 174ps, 5.38 MB).
Da grammar'll be structured fae da peeriest linguistics units o da soonds o da language an it's phonemes (soonds at distinguishes meanins) tae morphology (da biggeen stanes o wirds) an a braa twartree levels o syntax (da structure o phrases an clauses) tae pragmatics (hoo information is sorted oot) an discoorse structures. Da grammar'll shaa features wi 4-lined examples: a data IPA line, a orthographically transcribit een, a gloss een (at øses da standirt Leipzig Glossin Rules ), an a translation een. Firbye dat da grammar'll hae sections fir da lexicon, faase freends, an culture notts.
Da dictionary is bein wrocht on eenoo wi da help o da Shaetlan-spaekkin public trowe Da Spaektionary, a new-maed online platform developed by James Stewart. Hit's a collaborative dictionary at alloos da public tae hae dir say on da wye at Shaetlan sud be spelt, an lats dem submit new wirds an phrases at's no wun intae ony idder printit dictionaries afore. Fokk can send trowe audio recoardeens fir onybody idder tae listen tae, an dey can tell wis whar wirds is øsed trowe da isles tae lat wis map oot da differences atween da different districts. Tak pairt an help shaep da future o Shaetlan bi clickin here!
Da data is analysed wi da standirt tools: Audacity, Praat, Elan an FLEx. Da grammar an dictionary'll be pitten online here an dey'll be avaelable fir free.