
History in a word. Shetland may be described as remote but in fact it has always been a central place, and the history of Shaetlan is one of constant contact with other languages. The word Yül (Yøl/Yöl; or Yule in StE) is a very old Germanic word. In OE it was geól (earlier geohol), in ON it was jól, there is a Gothic form jiuleis attested, and even an Old Anglian giuli. They all derive from the Proto-Germanic *jeul-/*jeXul-/*jehwlą. The meaning is debated, possibly 'the festivities', and designated the winter season (roughly December and January). The ultimate origin is unknown. The ON jól designated the pre-Christian feast lasting 12 days at the height of winter.


Music: Da Day Dawn, traditionally played on Christmas morning in Shetland. Performed by Tom Anderson. Used with kind permission of Charles Simpson and the Shetland Museum and Archives.




-een / -in