
History in a word. Shetland may be described as remote but in fact it has always been a central place, and the history of Shaetlan is one of constant contact with other languages. The word proil means 'stuff, trinkets, junk, general collection of (useless) things, etc', as in

Clear dy proil oot o da shed till we can pent da waas. ('Clear out your stuff of the shed so that we can paint the walls.')

It derives from Middle Low Dutch / Middle Low German prul (> Mod. Du. prull / Mod. LGm. Prüll/Pröll/Proll) 'booty, plunder, stuff, trinkets, etc'. It is possibly Shaetlan specific, though there is the form proly in Orkney, and it is a Hansa influence. The Swedish pryl ('thing, trinket, etc) probably derives from the same source.


Ee & een


Language vs dialect