A craalin clock…

Watch oot fir faase freends! Linguistic "false freends" ir wirds or expressions at look or soond seemlar or jüst da sam, but dir meanins irna. D'ir parteeclarly common atween clossly related languages, or languages at hae closs contact wi een anidder. D'ir aafil læk tae caase misunderstaandins. Der a braa twartree faase freends atween Shætlan an Standirt English. Sic as:

clock = 'beetle' in StE

traivel = 'walk (by foot)' in StE

messages = 'shopping, groceries' in StE

lock = 'close' in StE: Is du lockit da hame park grind? (‘Have you closed the home park gate?’; common alternative: Is du shut da grind?)

key = 'lock' in StE: Mind an key da door whin du gengs. (‘Remember to lock the door when you go.’)

Tae "correct" false freends is a mistak. Aa dey ir is different wirds an expressions athin twa diffrent languages at happen soond very alæk.


James an dem


A aple!